BFBC Workplace Recommendations – For the 2017 BC Election

The BullyFreeBC Society recently wrote to candidates in each constituency to ask them to consider a set of recommendations to improve employment conditions and supports in the workplace.

For BC and each region …

  1. Anti-harassment programs – to protect and assist workers, especially those in marginalized groups, who are experiencing discrimination, harassment or bullying in the workplace.
  2. Local job initiatives – to help people bridge work gaps and career shifts, and avoid entrenched unemployment or precarious employment, while addressing regional service needs.
  3. Employment-focused training – to offer everyone who experiences job insecurity the retraining and up-skilling required to maintain long-term economic stability.
  4. A provincial plan for registration & regulation of workplace training providers – to establish a framework for employment-based adult education services across the province.
  5. Co-ordination between self-regulating professions – to ensure high standards for conduct, professional development, and complaint management, and to maintain focus on serving the needs of the general public.

Responses will be posted as they arrive.

Hello world!

Welcome to the BullyFreeBC Society, which registered as a provincial non-profit in 2011.

As written in the Constitution, the purposes of the Society are:

  • to consult with various levels of government regarding anti-bullying legislation;
  • to assist government, companies and non-profit organizations to develop anti-bullying policies;
  • to educate the public about bullying;
  • to conduct research into bullying; and
  • to work with other groups to carry out the above purposes.

The Board of Directors:

  • Diane Rodgers (President)
  • Lindsay Macintosh

BullyFreeBC is not a charity, and is funded by membership fees.

For more information contact