BFBC Recommendations (2017)

To improve employment conditions and supports in the workplace:

  1. Anti-harassment programs – to protect and assist workers, especially those in marginalized groups, who are experiencing discrimination, harassment or bullying in the workplace.
  2. Local job initiatives – to help people bridge work gaps and career shifts, and avoid entrenched unemployment or precarious employment, while addressing regional service needs.
  3. Employment-focused training – to offer everyone who experiences job insecurity the retraining and up-skilling required to maintain long-term economic stability.
  4. A provincial plan for registration & regulation of workplace training providers – to establish a framework for employment-based adult education services across the province.
  5. Co-ordination between self-regulating professions – to ensure high standards for conduct, professional development, and complaint management, and to maintain focus on serving the needs of the general  public.