Translations of 1923 Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child (original in French).
The Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child was drafted in 1923 by British rights activist Eglantyne Jebb, who then became the founder of Save the Children. (For more information on E. Jebb and the history of the Geneva Declaration, visit the BFBC Hall of Heroes).
The purpose of this project is to translate the Geneva Declaration into all the languages spoken in BC. Then BFBC will publish the translations online as a multilingual ‘Rosetta Stone’ (Wikipedia) of basic child rights. Through publication, promotion, and development of youth-managed discussion pages, this project will ensure that basic child rights will become better known and enforced by every level of government, community authority, and responsible individual with a capacity to act.
The basis of this project is a universal duty of care owed to all children. This duty is currently set out in 54 articles which make up the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN-OHCRC document; UNICEF plain language versions) which is based on the 1923 Geneva Declaration. The Convention, known as the UNCRC (Wikipedia), has been adopted by every member state of the UN except the United States of America (UN Treaty Collection). Phase I completion of the BFBC Translations project with an online publication launch is planned for 2023-2024 to celebrate the centennial of the Geneva Declaration.